Every man’s dream is to have his own place where the house rules don’t apply, where your girl doesn’t make the design decisions, where you can be a kid again, a bachelor, a man and just be yourself without the daily worries and responsibilities.
While setting your sanctuary, it is important to keep a few rules so your cave will be a place where you can spend many hours, that your friends will love to hang out, and that you will have a good reason to just stay there for hours.
1. Furniture is Key
We all know how we never understand the ladies and how they manage to fit one sofa to the armchair and to the carpet. But still, when it all goes together it is easy on the eye. Choose a theme, like a favorite movie or your sports team and get things that go around it.
For movie fans theater sits can work and maybe a popcorn machine. Just don’t overdo it, if you’re into the military, don’t go over the top with camo.
2. Décor
Now that the furniture is in place time for the accessories. This is where you can go all DIY style. We suggest getting ideas from Pinterest. But think “manly” when you do it: into hunting? Some taxidermy is in place, sports? Some of your team memorabilia is a must.
3. Entertainment
Well, we are going to state the obvious: huge TV, Good sound system, sports channels deal and you’re set. But don’t forget to add a pool table or a vintage pinball machine, a small refrigerator filled with beers will make your cave the ultimate place to stay with your buddies.